1) Navigate to propheticscots.com.
2) In the top right of the page, navigate to the LOGIN dropdown menu and select Login.

3) In the login page, select the Register link

4) In the Registration Form, enter your desired username and email address for your account (You can use the email address as your usename if prefered). Once complete, select Register.

5) Once you select Register, check your emails for a link from us to set your password (be sure to check your spam folder if you cannot find the email). If you are still unable to find the email at this time, you may have entered an incorrect email in the registration process or our emails may be blocked from being sent to you. In this circumstance you can retry the registration process. Consider registering using a different email address if you continue to have issues.

6) Following the link in the email will take you to a page where you can set your password. Use the eye icon on the right side of the textbox to hide or show the password as required. Either enter one manually or use the Generate Password button to create one for you. Once you have a password entered, select Save Password.

7) Once the password has been successfully your has been set up. You can navigate back to the login page using the link on the password confirmation page.