Power Hour Introductory Music

3 min. readlast update: 08.22.2024

We love music here at Glasgow Prophetic Centre (home of the Global Prophetic Alliance) and no meeting here, large or small, ever begins without a good time of musical worship. We're blessed to be based in a country with a long and rich heritage of music* and Glasgow has even been designated a "World City of Music" by UNESCO.

When we began to broadcast live online we were keen to find introductory music that captured some of the essence of Scotland's traditional music heritage. Because of licensing restrictions on YouTube and Facebook we have to purchase 'royalty-free' music that is especially composed for use in online broadcasts (otherwise broadcasts can be stopped or taken down for copyright infringement - and we don't want that!). The reason we have a two minute countdown on these videos is for the benefit of our live broadcasts - to give time for our regular viewers to login and get ready to listen and comment.

Power Hour Opening Music

The music track at the opening of each Power Hour (and also on the British Isles Council of Prophets 'Conversations') is called “The Scottish Sunrise”.

You can listen to a preview of the music here.

The composer is Adi Goldstein of AG Soundtrax. Adi is an Israeli musician and music producer. You can find more of his music on Spotify and his website is here. As far as we know, it is not available on CD.

The music is a contemporary rendering of a traditional Scottish or Irish style of music (also known as 'Celtic' music). The traditional instruments being used include a whistle, the uilean pipes and strings. Uilleann pipes are a type of bagpipe played under the arm, rather than blown. They're actually more commonly found in Irish music (a nice link to Emma, our Northern Irish leader!) and you may have heard them used on the 'Braveheart' and 'Lord of the Rings' soundtracks.

The Mountains

The mountains in the opening video are part of the Torridon Mountain range in the north west of Scotland, a particularly dramatic region of the majestic highlands. These sandstone peaks sit on top of the oldest rocks in the world and once would have towered way above even Mt Everest. We like to joke that when God made the earth, he made the Scottish Highlands first!

* Did you know that the Scottish Psalter - first approved for use by the Church of Scotland in 1650 - is one of the world's oldest 'hymn books'? Most English speaking believers will be familiar with the words to Psalm 23, still in regular use to this day ("The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want. He makes me down to lie, In pastures green: he leadeth me, the quiet waters by.")

 Power Hour Intro-GPA-LowRate.mp4

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